Friday, March 27, 2015

#059 Champarf

The Champion Fighter Pokemon

Type: Fighting

Pokedex: This Pokemon is well adapt to standing on its hind legs while fighting.  Champarf excels at punching moves; Mach Punch and Hammer Arm being its greatest.

Name: Champion + Arf

#056 Infigator

The Alligator Pokemon

Type: Water

Pokedex: This Pokemon has sharp teeth, but they are weak and it often looses its teeth biting prey too big for it.

#055 Stagear

The Armored Stag Pokemon

Type: Normal/Steel

Pokedex: Stagear is popular for its metal covering used for small metal things.

#054 Grindeer

The Armored Deer Pokemon

Type: Normal/Steel

Pokedex: This Pokemon can be found grazing on grass or scrap heaps.

#053 Amaly

The Llama Pokemon

Type: Normal

Pokedex: It is considered an awesome Pokemon because of its llama-ness.

#052 Alama

The Little Llama Pokemon

Type: Normal

Pokedex: Generally a people liking pokemon, it occasionally spits at people it dislikes.

#051 Beetab

The Desert Beetle Pokemon

Type: Bug

Pokedex: This pokemon was associated with a sun god and held in high regard.

Name: Beetle + Scarab

#050 Sceetle

The Desert Beetle Pokemon

Type: Bug

Pokedex: A plain, red pokemon, Sceetle can survive the harsh weather of the desert by burrowing in the sand.

Name: Scarab+ Beetle

#049 Spidic

The Big Spider Parasite Pokemon

Type: Bug

Pokedex: Wild Spidic can drain a prey of it's blood, but if trained properly it can be relatively harmless.

Special move: Blood Drain- drains opponent of it's blood. A One Hit Knock Out move. Can only learn in the wild.

Name: Spider + Tick

#048 Spidite

The parasite spider pokemon

Type: Bug

Pokedex: This little pokemon latches on to it's prey and sucks the blood.  It's too small to cause any significant problems.

name: Spider + Parasite

Lucky Lucy Page 8

My gosh, it's been a while since I've submitted one of these.  I'm so sorry to those who were looking for it all this time, I'll have one next week no worries..  Here's page eight.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

#047 Cazer

The Small Tree Pokemon

Type: Grass

Pokedex: It's razor sharp leaves can cut through most metals and slice thick trees.

#046 Caseaf

The Sapling Pokemon

Type: Grass

Pokedex: It's roots look like two-toed feet.  It whips it's arms around to slice its opponents.

#045 Casnut

The nut Pokemon

Type: Grass

Pokedex:  Casnuts outer shell is made of a near indestructible organic material.  While scientists are investigating it, it's small size makes it difficult to produce successful copies.

#044 Scorpillar

The scorpion Caterpillar Pokemon

Type: Poison/Bug

Pokedex: This Pokemon is found in the forests hiding under leaves and around fungi.  Its fangs and tail are very poisonous.

#043 Scorpus

The Scorpion Pokemon

Type: Poison/Bug

Pokedex: Scorpus uses the stinger on its tail as self defense mechanism.  Girl bug catchers fawn over its cuteness, and it enjoys cuddles.

#042 Pegalion

The Pegasus Pokemon

Type: normal/ flying

Pokedex: The Pokemon gallops while soaring in the air.  Why it feels it needs to do this is unknown.

#041 Unialion

The Unicorn Pokemon

Type: Normal/ Psychic

Pokedex: Its long horn is made of an unknown material that is harder than diamonds.  To abuse this Pokemon is considered unholy and in the ancient times it was punishable by death.

Name: Unicorn + Stallion

#040 Poulny

The Golden Pony Pokemon

Type: Normal

Pokedex: This Pokemon is known for its ability to evolve into Unialion or Pegalion. While its fur shines a golden color it's not actually gold.

#039 Phoenire

The Blue Fire Pokemon

Type: Fire/Flying

Pokedex: The beauty of its flaming wings awes its enemies as it swoops in to attack.  It takes great pride in its flaming feathers.

Special Ability: Blue Flame- Neutralizes the super effectiveness of water type moves.  It also make fire type moves blue.

Name: Pheonix + Fire

#038 Firnix

The Little Blue Fire Pokemon

Type: Fire/Flying

Pokedex: This little Pokemon attacks it's enemies with fire.  The problem is that it thinks it's much bigger than it really is and gets confused over its small flames.

Special Ability: Blue Flame- Neutralizes the super effectiveness of water type moves.  It also make fire type moves blue.

Name: Fire+Phoenix

#037 Astrolord

The Astronaut Pokemon

Type: Normal/Fairy

Pokedex: This Pokemon enjoys being sent into space.  It uses it's strange rocket backpack to move from place to place while in zero gravity.

#036 Astrolett

The Small Astronaut Pokemon

Type: Normal

Pokedex: This Pokemon has been used for many missions in space. Nobody is certain how this pokemon came into being.

#035 Zenteebal

The Steel Zen Ball Pokemon

Type: Steel/ Psychic

Pokedex: Tired of being chased by feline Pokemon, Steebal evolved into Zenteebal as a means of escape.  Armed with psychic abilities, this Pokemon can create illusions of multiple Zenteebal to escape foes.

evolves from Steebal at level 22

Name: Zen + Steebal

#034 Steebal

The Steel Ball Pokemon

Type: Steel

Pokedex: This Pokemon is often seen being used by cat Pokemon as a toy in both the wild and when under little supervision from trainers.

Name- Steel+ball

Yes, this Pokemon is designed after a cat ball.  I had the random inspiration while watching my cat.

#033 Greaper

The Grim Reaper Pokemon

Type: Dark

Pokedex: This Pokemon can be found near dying people, ready to take the final swing.

Name: Grim + Reaper

#032 Shader

The Little Reaper Pokemon

Type: Dark

Pokedex: Associated with death, this Pokemon can be seen near dying people comforting them.

Name: Shadow+Reaper

#031 Imperoi

The Dragon Fish Pokemon

Type: Water/Dragon

Pokedex: This majestic dragon can be found in lakes and big rivers. It only shows itself above the surface when the air is thick with fog.

Name: Imperial + koi fish

#030 Normkoi

The Normal Fish Pokemon

Type: Water

Pokedex:  Unlike its pre-evolution Ugkoi, Normkoi is a regular looking Pokemon.  It's blue scales have a little value to certain collectors.

Name: Normal + Koi Fish

#029 Ugkoi

The Ugly Fish Pokemon

Type: Water

Pokedex: In last years competition, Ugkoi was voted the most ugly Pokemon in the Avalonian region.  It gets less ugly the closer it gets to evolving.

Name Ugly + Koi Fish

#028 Toxisac

Acidic Frog Pokemon

Type: Poison

Pokedex:  This Pokemon belches acid as a defensive mechanism, it's sacks also contain lethal doses of poison.

#027 Toxibit

Poison Frog Pokemon

Type: Poison

Pokedex: When threatened this Pokemon releases body waste.  It's sacks are filled with a small dose of mild acid.

#026 Pitchoro

The shadowy figure Pokemon

Type: Ground/Ghost

Pokedex: Most of them being shy, this Pokemon tends to be the shadow you think you see behind you when you're alone.  There's no need to fear, once it warms up to you it shows itself in a friendly manner.

name: pitch+ Totoro

evolution of Tortunny

#025 Tortunny

The Dust Bunny Pokemon

Type: ground

Pokedex: It can be found in abandoned houses.  If you're quiet enough you can sneak up on hoards of them.

Name: Totoro+bunny, with an extra "r"

#024 Leecheel

The Crazed Leech Pokemon

Type: Poison

Pokedex:  Leecheel is blood thirsty.  It latches onto it's opponent and sucks its blood, but being the size it is, it only causes minor pain and fills itself easily

#023 Cheel

The Sucker Pokemon

Type: Poison

Pokedex: Before scientific medicine came into practice, this Pokemon was used to cure all sorts of illnesses on people and Pokemon.  Its poison is antibacterial, but too much can be lethal.

Despite the simple design, I really like this one.

#022 Zipat

The fast rodent Pokemon

Type: Electric/Normal

Pokedex: During the winter this Pokemons fur is so dense with electricity that it glows.

Like it's pre-evolution, Zipit, it's fur changes each season. Starting top left- spring, summer, fall/autumn, winter

#021 Zipit

The fast rodent Pokemon

Type: Electric/ Normal

Pokedex: Zipit runs around in fields trying to avoid predators.  It uses electricity gathered in its tail as a defense mechanism.  Depending on the amount of electricity, it can be quite painful to get shocked.

It's fur changes each season. Top left-spring, top right-summer, bottom left-fall/autumn, bottom right-winter

#020 Griffyon

The Griffon Pokemon

Type: flying/normal

Pokedex: Griffyon can match speeds with a jet and still be safe to fly bare back.

#019 Griffot

The Griffon Pokemon

Type: Flying/ Normal

Pokedex: A frequent and steady flyer, it can be seen flying trainers around at the speed of small planes.

#018 Griffy

The Baby Griffon Pokemon

Type: flying/Normal

Pokedex: Griffy is a new flyer and therefore often has trouble steering and landing. It is not uncommon to see one flying out of control.

#017 Lupun

The Nun Pokemon

Type: Water

Pokedex: A follower of the legendary that called it from the sea, this Pokemon is known for its kindness and caring nature.

#016 Lupra

The Moon Puppy Pokemon

Type: Water

Pokedex: At night this Pokemon can be found chasing the moons reflection on water. It is said that a legendary Pokemon called the first Lupra from the ocean waves.

Gender chance in the wild: 100% female

#015 Lupunk

The Monk Pokemon

Type: Water

Pokedex: A follower of the legendary Pokemon that called it from the sea, this Pokemon rarely makes any noise.

#014 Lupro

The moon puppy Pokemon

Type: Water

Pokedex: At night, this Pokemon can be found gazing at the moon. It is said that a legendary Pokemon called the first Lupro from the ocean waves.

Gender chance in wild: 100% male

#013 Tinkerfly

The Butterfly Fairy Pokemon

Type: Bug/Magic

Pokedex: This pokemon likes to trick robbers into thinking they are near the end of a woods by grouping together and shining their lights to give the impression of sunlight.

Name: Tinkerbell+butterfly

#012 Pixibell

The pixie pokemon

Type: Bug/ Magic

Pokedex: This pokemon can be found in the forest where humans have not been. It can be seen from a distance because of the glowing orb on it's head.

Name: Pixie + Tinker Bell

I decided to do the style a slight bit different in consideration of the character it was designed after.

#011 Piqure

The Stinging Blades Pokemon

Type: Bug/Poison

Pokedex: Piqure uses its sharp blades to rip open its prey and slicing its enemies to bits.  The stinger is for self defense and offense and the poison causes hallucinations.

#010 Piq

The Grub Pokemon

Type: Bug

Pokedex: Piq crawls around searching for good leaves to eat.  It does this for several days and when it is finally stuffed it evolves.

Back Cover CD Commission

The back cover for my friends CD.